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Creating Bills for each Airbnb Reservation
Updated over a month ago

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In addition to any Invoices you set up in Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally), you can also create Bills for each reservation specific to any particular listing as well. These Bills can be made to pay any fixed amount or percent of each reservation to Owners, Assistants, Co-Hosts, Cleaners, Partners, Tax Authorities, you name it - whenever an Airbnb payout event takes place for a listing, you can create a Bill for it.

(NOTE: Bnbtally is now Tallybreeze)

Use Cases

In what scenarios does it make sense to use Bills? Read on...

  • Pay a Tax Authority any Amounts Owed for a Reservation: In Airbnb, you may prefer to collect and remit transient occupancy taxes to your local or state tax authority rather than having Airbnb do so on your behalf. In such a case, you can easily create a Bill for each reservation to pay any Custom Taxes owed on the reservation.

  • Pay a Cleaner, Co-Host or Assistant any Part of a Reservation: Bills can be created for each reservation to pay a percent of the reservation to any stakeholder you owe. You can also pay a fixed amount per reservation.

  • Pay Rents in Trust Owed to any Owners: If you're a Property Manager and you are collecting the full amount of each reservation directly from Airbnb, you can create a Bill for each reservation to pay out any Rents in Trust to your Owners.

  • Pay any Resort or Community Fees any Portion of a Reservation: If you operate in a resort or a community that requires you to pay a portion of the reservation based on number of nights or guests, or perhaps a fixed amount per reservation, you can do so with Bills.

  • Pay Out to Any Partner Based on Reservation Income Received: If you have any partners in which you owe any amount of the reservation, whether it's a static amount or a percent of any price item, you can do this with Bills as well.

How to Create a Bill

Under the Listings Manager, select any listing to edit. In your listing settings, create a Bill by selecting the plus [+] button under "Event: Reservation Income" and select "Bill". From here you can select a contact (your Tax Authority, Cleaner, Co-Host, Assistant, Owner, etc...) and allocate any percent of any price item. You can also allocate any Multiples & Fixed Amounts. There is no requirement to define 100% of all price items.

For a refund event, if you'd like to create a Vendor Credit (QuickBooks) or Credit Note for Bills (Xero), you can do so by selecting the plus [+] button under "Event: Reservation Refund" and select "Vendor Credit".

What other behavior changes are involved with Bills?

  1. For Bills, any Multiples & Fixed Amounts defined are not subtracted from a selected price item before the Ratio Rules are followed. Rather, they are treated as mutually exclusive amounts that will show on their own line items in the the Bill.

  2. Rounding. Any amounts in the thousands place that is 5 or greater will be rounded up to the nearest cent. This means $1.005 will be rounded up to the nearest cent ($1.01) while $1.004 will be rounded down ($1.00).

Creating Invoices, Partial Invoices and Multiple Invoices

For more details about creating Invoices, Partial Invoices and Multiple Invoices and use case scenarios surround the use of these, be sure to read the following article...


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