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4. Historical Import Tutorial | Bulk Import Airbnb Reservations into Xero
4. Historical Import Tutorial | Bulk Import Airbnb Reservations into Xero

Learn how to import months, even years worth of reservations into your Tallybreeze Sync Manager with Historical Import.

Updated over a month ago

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Data Flow Review

Step 1: Navigate to Historical Import

In Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally), to get to the Historical Import page, click on the "Historical Import" menu item on the left.

Step 2: Preview Import

First, select the connection as well as the start and end date range you wish to import.

Please note that Historical Import is a feature with separate bulk pricing based on past data, which means it’s a separate cost not included in the monthly ongoing service. However, you are able to import the current calendar month without any extra charge.

Depending on how far back you selected to import, we may need some time to process your historical payouts and will email you when your import preparation is complete.

Step 3: View List of Historical Reservations

Once processing is completed, you’ll be able to see the full list of reservation payouts. Some may be related to a disabled listing or may already be imported. But for the items that are ready to import into your Sync Manager, you’ll see the status “Ready to Import”.

Step 4: Advanced Filter

You may find the advanced filter helpful. Here you can select to filter items based on listing, payout account, hide disabled listings or items already imported, etc...

Step 5: Import Selected to Sync Manager

As you scroll the list, you can select any items you’d like to import or select all. When you are ready to execute your import, click the button “Import Selected to Sync Manager”.

From here you will confirm the additional charges for the import. The moment you confirm, Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally) will import your items into the Sync Manager. Your Sync Manager is then responsible for processing the sync objects into Xero. The next step is managing your newly imported sync objects within the Sync Manager.


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