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Vrbo Price Items Definition

Documenting here the definition of each price item within Vrbo interpreted by Tallybreeze

Updated over a month ago

Accommodation Fare

The Accommodation Fare is the amount you’re receiving from your guest per night multiplied by the number of nights for the reservation. If you view any itinerary within Vrbo, you’ll see that they separate the Accommodation Fare from the Cleaning Fee and any other fees. And it’s good that they do this, because the Accommodation Fare is a leading indicator of the success of your Vrbo business, it’s appropriate to track this separately.

Cleaning Fee

The Cleaning Fee is the amount that you’re receiving from your guest as a one time charge for cleaning and preparing the listing for the reservation, and this can be allocated separately from the Accommodation Fare within Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally).

Vrbo Base Commission Fee

The Vrbo Base Commission Fee is the fee that Vrbo charges the host for their services. This will end up on the invoice as a negative number and it is a good idea to also allocate this separately so that you can track your costs incurred by Vrbo for the reservation.

Vrbo Payment Processor Fee

This is an additional fee charged by Vrbo for payment processing. This fee is charged in addition to the Vrbo Base Commission Fee. This will also end up on the invoice as a negative number and it is a good idea to also allocate this separately so that you can track your costs incurred by Vrbo for the reservation.

Vrbo Refunds

Then you have Refunds. This takes place when a guest either checks out early and you agree to refund or you provide them a refund for any reason. It's very important to trace refunds separately from income so that you can deduct them from income for tax purposes among other important reasons.

Taxes Collected

One more price item you should know about is Taxes Collected. If you’ve set up Taxes for your listing within Vrbo (and you’ll know when you have) you’ll need to allocate that here in Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally) as well, otherwise there’s no need to set this.

PLEASE NOTE: One thing you should know about the Taxes Collected... if you have set more than one tax for a single listing within Vrbo, Vrbo aggregates them all into a single "Taxes Collected" value within their API and it is interpreted this way within Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally). So please keep this in mind, as you may need to split these Taxes within your Tallybreeze rules. This note only applies if you have more than one Tax for a single listing.

Other Fees Collected

This contains all other fees you might set for your listing. In Vrbo, you're able to add a number of fees in your accommodations. Tallybreeze (formerly Bnbtally) will allocate these fees separately from the rest of your income.

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